Mokré mletie umožňuje získať častice s veľkosťou v rozsahu nanometrov (<100 nm) Variabilné otáčky od 100 do 650 ot/min, pomer otáčok 1:-2; Mletie s gravitačným zrýchlením až 33,3 x; Dávkové spracovanie s max. 1 x 220 ml vzorky ; 2 x 20 ml vzorky na dávku s nádobami uloženými na sebe
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The SM 100 is the budget-priced basic model among the RETSCH cutting mills. It is suitable for the size reduction of samples which don't require extremely high forces. The mill has been specially designed for routine applications. It is easy to operate and can be mounted on a solid table or on the optional base frame.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The RETSCH Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 is used for the rapid fine size reduction of soft to medium-hard and fibrous materials. Because of the efficient size reduction technique and the …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Retsch SK100 Cross Beater Mill. Make: Retsch; Model: SK 100; Type: Cross Beater Mill; Serial: 9 1510 006; Year: 1999; Condition: Used, Reported in Good Condition; General Model …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The Cross Beater Mill SK 100 is suitable for coarse and fine size reduction, either in batches or continuously. It can process medium-hard and brittle materials and is easy to operate. For increased sample discharge and for processing heat-sensitive samples, an optionally available cyclone unit can be used instead of the gravity outlet.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Analytické sitovací stroje rady AS 200 sa používajú v oblastiach výskumu a vývoja, pri kvalitatívnej kontrole surovín, mezikontrole a kontrole koncových výrobkov a tiež ku kontrole výrobného procesu.Regulovateľný elektromagnetický pohon ponúká optimálnu adaptáciu pre každý výrobok.Ostré frakcie je možné získať dokonca aj po krátkej dobe sitovania.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The new generation of RETSCH rotor mills SR 300 and SK 300 has been greatly improved with regard to performance, handling and flexibility. The speed of the rotor beater mill SR 300 has been substantially increased and can be set between 3,000 and 10,000 rpm, thus allowing for optimum adaptation to application requirements.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073المطرقه (بالإنجليزية: Hammer) هي أداة لتوصيل ضربات إلى جسم. الاستخدامات الأكثر شيوعا هي دفع المسامير، وتركيب أجزاء، وكسر أجسام. المطارق غالبا ما تكون مصممة لغرض محدد، وتختلف اختلافا كبيرا في الشكل والهيكل.
WhatsApp: +86 1822175507305/04/2012 Retsch 2 0002 Guide to Operating In-structions The present operating instructions for the SK 100 cross-beater mill give all the necessary information for the areas …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Bestellen Sie Retsch Schlagkreuzmühle SK 300 im Online-Shop bei ProfiLab24! Wir bieten Ihnen Markenprodukte zu Einkaufspreisen und besten Service.RET_12030
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073RETSCH SK 300 。。2000 - 4000 rpm,SK 300——,。
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073El molino de impacto de palas SK 300 es apto para la trituración gruesa y fina por lotes o continua.Es fácil de operar y puede preparar materiales semiduros y frágiles.Para aumentar la descarga de muestras y para procesar muestras …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The Cross Beater Mill SK 100 is suitable for coarse and fine size reduction, either in batches or continuously. It can process medium-hard and brittle materials and is easy to operate. The SK …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073مطحنة المطرقة shredfast sf 100. shredfast sf 100 المطرقة Hoja Msds Ray Molyude Sf 100 Mill 76980 Dol shredfast sf hammer mill nfbborder1000coza retsch sk 100 hammer mill redpoint euSieves are installed on knife mills and hammer mills to control the size of drive motor required for 100 tphC 1 Size Construction 100 860 1160 1750 3500 in lb in lb /radians RPM BasicHPRatings ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Le broyeur à fléaux SK 300 convient pour le broyage grossier et fin.Le broyeur est utilisé pour le traitement de matériaux mi-durs et friables et est facile à utiliser. Pour une évacuation accrue des échantillons et pour le traitement …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Mulino a croce Retsch SK 300 Il mulino a croce SK 300 è adatto alla sminuzzatura grossolana e fine. Il mulino è utilizzato per la lavorazione di materiali medio-duri e fragili ed è facile da usare. Per un maggiore scarico del …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Browse online or download Retsch SK 100 Manual del usuario 24 pages. Equipment Retsch SK 100 user manual pdf download free [0.84 ]. Related for
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Retsch Cross Beater mills are suitable for batchwise and continuous coarse and fine grinding. Medium-hard and brittle materials with a hardness of up to 6 Mohs can be milled.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Çapraz rotorlu öğütücü SK 300, sürekli yada kısım kısım kaba numunelerin boyutlarını küçültmek için uygun cihazdır.2000....4000 rpm arası hız ayarı, Kırılgan,orta-sert malzemelerle çalışmaya elverişlidir. SK 300,pilot tesis yada laboratuvar ölçeğinde numune hazırlamada genel …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073You can mount the SK 100 on your laboratory table. Fig. 3 * Measure laboratory table thickness * Use screws with a maximum diameter of 8mm and a length of the laboratory table thickness + …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Retsch Schlagkreuzmühle SK 100. Die Retsch Schlagkreuzmühle SK 100 ist eine vielseitige und leistungsstarke Mühle, die speziell für die Zerkleinerung von mittelharten und spröden Materialien entwickelt wurde. Sie findet breite Anwendung in verschiedenen Branchen wie Agrar, Baustoffe, Chemie/Kunststoffe, Geologie/Metallurgie, Glas/Keramik ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Le broyeur à fléaux SK 100, RETSCH® est livré avec croix battante, plaque déflectrices, filtre à manche 240 mm et collecteur (tamis de fond et support à commander séparément). GARANTIE 2 ANS. Granu. finale : < 100 µm granulométrie finale : < 100 µm Type : à rotor Type d'échantillon : cassants Type d'échantillon : mi-durs.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The present operating instructions for the SK 100 cross-beater mill give all the necessary information for the areas mentioned in the table of contents. They give instructions …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073الذهب الأصلي من المعادن القيمة والنادرة التي يصعب العثور عليها في الطبيعة في صورة قطع ذهبية كبيرة، لكن قد يُحالفك الحظ وتعثر على قطع ذهبية صغيرة داخل بعض الأحجار الأخرى مثل حجر المرو (الكوارتز). هل تملك حجر مرو به ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Broyeur à fléau SK 300 - RETSCH Finesse finale: < 100 µm Granulométrie initiale : < 25 mm Vitesse réglable : 2000 - 4000 tr/min. Description Fiche Technique Le broyage par effet de percussion, de rebondissement et de cisaillement. Il convient parfaitement pour le broyage grossier et fin de matériau mi-dur et cassant
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073grinding chamber door of the SK 100 C can be opened and closed quickly and simply without tools thanks to the quick-action lock. When the quick-action lock is unintentionally opened, a …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Buy used Retsch SK 100 with warranty at Labexchange or ask for a quote. Proven Quality at the best price.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Ver online o descargar Retsch SK 100 Instrucciones De Uso. Registrarse Cargar. Manuales; Marcas; Retsch Manuales; Equipos de Laboratorio; SK 100; Retsch SK 100 Manuales. Manuales y guías de usuario para Retsch SK 100. Tenemos 1 Retsch SK 100 manual disponible para descarga gratuita en PDF: Instrucciones De Uso
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073and DR 100 560 x 1443 x 700 mm Weight SK 100 s approx. 32 kg Weight SK 100 c approx. 36 kg CROSS BEATER MILL SK 100 „DELUXE" SK 100 „STANDARD" Grinding insert Article No. Article No. 3 x 400 V, 50 Hz cast iron 20.735.0001 20.731.0001 3 x 400 V, 50 Hz chrome steel 20.735.0002 20.731.0002 3 x 400 V, 50 Hz stainless steel 20.735.0003 20. ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Retsch è leader a livello mondiale nel settore degli strumenti da laboratorio per la preparazione del campione e l'analisi granulometrica di sostanze solide. Grazie a oltre 100 anni di esperienza, l'azienda si è affermata come uno dei maggiori produttori di strumentazione da laboratorio, e in particolare di sistemi di omogeneizzazione e ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073